Community Events
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Cascade’s annual Independence Day Celebration is set for Thursday, July 4, 2024, and it's jam-packed with events to celebrate our nation's founding. As in years past, festivities will begin with a Bike Parade, immediately followed by the Community Parade, then a Street Fair with carnival rides and live music by Soul Syndicate.
Also new this year a requirement that Community Parade participants pre-register. The Township is requiring this for administrative purposes and to ensure a well-organized and safe event.

Click each flyer to expand.
Please complete this form and supply some basic information, such as name of group/organization, and contact information no later than
June 28.
Before registering review the official rules on the registration form. If you have questions, please contact the Township at 616.949.1500, or email
Participating in the Parade
For the Bike Parade, participants can decorate anything non-motorized with wheels - bikes, wagons, strollers, scooters and more. Meet at 8 am outside Cascade Fellowship Christian Reformed Church, 6655 Cascade Road SE. Bike Parade participants 14 and younger must wear a bike helmet per Township ordinance. Registration is not required for the Bike Parade.
For the Community Parade, registered participants are asked to meet at the parade and march staging area at 7:30 am outside Thornapple Covenant Church, 6595 Cascade Road SE.
Float Contest
Community Parade participants are encouraged to compete in the float contest. This year there will again be two categories: families/neighborhoods and faith groups/businesses/other organizations. Participant floats will beg justed based on spirit and creativity.
Winners in each category receive a trophy get to display the winner banner on their float during the parade. Winners also receive recognition on Township social media and the website. Please, only one float is allowed per family, organization or neighborhood.
Parade Times and Route
The parade officially begins with the Bike Parade beginning at 9 am, immediately followed by the Community Parade. The parade begins at the intersection of Cascade Road and Burton Street, turns west at 28th Street, and terminates at 28th Street and Thornhills.
Street Fair, Food Trucks and Music
Beginning immediately after the parade, attendees can look forward to the annual street fair taking place on the grounds of the all-new Friendship Park and surrounding properties. This will include games, carnival rides, climbing walls, splash zones, food trucks, music from local band Soul Syndicate, live animal demonstrations, and more.
Keep an eye on this events page for an event poster and locator map.
4th of July Participants Policy
4th of July Non Profit Participation Application
View the
Ceremony Program
Guest Speaker Profile
Cascade Township invites the community to its annual Memorial Day Ceremony at 10 am Monday, May 27, outside the Cascade Library, 2870 Jacksmith Ave. SE.
Guest speaker will be Thom W. Burke, Captain, U.S. Navy, Retired. While serving in the Navy, Burke led teams of up to 5,000, retiring in 2016 as Chief of Naval Operations Director of the Fleet Readiness Division. Today, Burke serves as Walker City Commissioner.
Officiating the ceremony will be Township Supervisor Grace Lesperance, with Tim Dieffenbach of Thornapple Community Church providing the invocation.
The event will also recognize members of McDonald-Osmer Post #451 of the American Legion, and include a color guard of 3rd Michigan Infantry Co. F Civil War reenactors, a flag raising by Boy Scout Troop 345, and music by the Forest Hills Central High School Jazz Band.
Cascade's Metro Cruise &
Metro Cruise Warm Up
Cascade is now partnering with the official Metro Cruise organization for the Warmup!
Local car enthusiasts will once again show off their vintage wheels at the Cascade Metro Cruise Warm-Up on Thursday, Aug. 22, 2024 from 4–8 pm in the parking lot of the Fowling Warehouse Grand Rapids! This free event is a collaboration between the Cascade Township DDA and MetroCruise.
Visitors can expect to see as many as 150 unique autos from days gone by during the event. This event also features activities that will entertain the whole family, including balloon sculpting; live music, food trucks; and a merchandise tent selling Metro Cruise-related attire.
Interested in showing off your wheels? Registration is first-come, first-served the day of the event. Organizers will also be handing out commemorative 2024 Metro Cruise Warm-Up dash plaques to participants. The quantity is limited, so get there early!
Join us Saturday, August 24, 2024 from 12–7 pm at the same location for the MetroCruise Pit Stop Event, run by the official MetroCruise!
For more information contact: Manager Jade Smith at
616-949-1500 or by email at:
Cascade Heritage Festival - September 14, 2024 5-9 pm
Celebrate the unique character and history of this area on September 14, 2024 at the Cascade Heritage Festival. Now in its fourth year, this free, all-ages community event will move to the street and grounds of the Township's recently acquired Stone House at 2781 Orange Ave.
The event will include a beer and wine tent, food trucks, tours of the Stonehouse, art by AllArtWorks, and live music from Scooter McGee. Additionally, the Cascade Museum and Cascade Christian Church Chapel will be open for attendees to learn Cascade’s rich history.
Tree Lighting Ceremony - December 1, 2024 4:30-6:30 pm

Gather at the historic Township Hall for an afternoon of holiday cheer! Starting at 4:30, enjoy festive carols from the Original Dickens Carolers and greet Santa as he arrives in style on a Cascade Fire truck.
Tree will be lit at 5 pm.
Don’t miss this beloved Cascade tradition, perfect for all ages!
Christmas at the Stonehouse - December 14, 2024 4-6 pm

Celebrate the holiday season with Santa, a firetruck visit, hot cocoa, cookies, ornament-making, and more! Plus, take part in our holiday raffle and make cards for local seniors.
Stop by any time with the whole family for this free family event at the historic Stonehouse at 2781 Orange Ave SE.