Community Programs

Environmental Programs

Social Programs


Spring 2025 Cleanup Day

Wheel barrelCascade’s Biannual Cleanup Day returns Saturday, May 3 (8 am – 12 pm) at Ada Bible Church, 8899 Cascade Road SE

Gates close at noon, so arrive early. Residents should enter the Ada Bible Church parking lot off Cascade Road and exit on Quiggle Road. Follow the signage on site.

Please note

• This event is for nonhazardous household waste only, such as appliances, scrap metal, electronics for recycling and paper for shredding.

• Proof of Cascade Township residency is required

• No yard or hazardous waste will be accepted.

• Paint cans that are open and dried are allowed.

On-Site Services

• Arrowaste Services will be on-site for general trash and junk, large and small appliances and scrap metal. No yard waste or hazardous waste will be accepted.

• Valley City Electronic Recycling will be on-site for computers, televisions, small appliances, cell phones, and other electronics.

• Shred-It will be on hand to securely destroy and recycle paper documents.

All services are subject to availability, so monitor this page – or call 616-949-1500 - as the date nears for up-to-date information.

Spring 2025 Yard Waste Disposal Services 

Bagged Yard Waste Pickup
Bagged yard waste pickup will once again be offered in the restricted burn area (generally the area west of Buttrick Avenue and north of I-96) every Monday from April 14 through May 12.

Some general requirements:

• This service is only available to residents in the restricted burn area.
View map:

• Tags are available  7 am to 4 pm Mondays through Thursdays and 8 am to 12 pm Fridays at the Cascade Township Office, 5920 Tahoe Drive SE. Residents are limited to 20 tags. To use tags from last year, please call the Township so your address is added to the 2025 list.

• Place yard waste near the curb by midnight on Sunday.

• Bags of yard waste and bundles of branches MUST be tagged for collection. Bags and bundles must weigh less than 30 pounds each to be picked up. Please do NOT include grass clippings, dirt, sod, cement, sand, rocks, or dog poop.

• Branches and stumps cannot exceed one inch in diameter and four feet in length.

• For more information, call 616-949-1500.

Yard Waste Dumpsters

Dumpsters will be available for yard waste disposal beginning April 14 through May 12. The dumpsters will be located behind the Fire Station 2 building, 2990 Buttrick Ave. SE

Please note:
The dumpsters are top load and yard waste needs to be carried up a small set of stairs to be dumped. Employees are not available to help dump yard waste.

All services subject to availability. Please check the Township website at close to the day to ensure the service you wish to utilize is available. For questions, please call Cascade Township at 616-949-1500.

Household Hazardous Waste Disposal

Due to the expansion of hours of operation at its SafeChem drop-off locations, the Kent County Department of Public Works is no longer hosting on-site community hazardous waste disposal programs. Instead, Kent County offers five disposal sites with varied hours and days operation around the County. 

The nearest dropoff location to Cascade Township is in Kentwood at 5068 Breton SE. This location is open Tuesdays from 10:30 am - 1:30 pm.

To learn more about the hazardous waste disposal program at Kent County DPW, including hours of operation at their five Kent County drop-off sites, please visit their webpage at 

MORE INFORMATION:  Please call Kent County DPW  for additional information or for directions on large loads (greater than six boxes), items larger than a 5-gallon bucket. They can be reached at 616-632-7941 or at

Bagged Garlic Mustard Drop Off

A collection dumpster for garlic mustard will be available in the back of the Cascade Township Fire Station #2 (2990 Buttrick SE, Ada MI 49301) from April 14 through June 1.

Place pulled plants in garbage bags – garlic mustard seeds are just slightly larger than poppy seeds and can be viable for up to 10 years.

Volunteer Pulls
Join Cascade in eradicating garlic mustard from Township parks! Pulls are planned for every Saturday at various Cascade properties beginning April 5-May 31. To register, email or call 616-481-3578.

About Garlic Mustard

Garlic mustard is a highly invasive plant that stays green all year long.  It has the odor of garlic when crushed.  The young rosette (cluster of leaves) grows close to the ground.  The adult plants grow upright with a white, four-petal flower at the end of the stalk.

  • Out-competes or prevents native plants and trees from growing.
  • One plant can produce more than 3,000 seeds
  • Seeds can remain viable in the soil for 10 years or more.
Prevent Future Spread
  • Monitor your property carefully and frequently for new infestations.  (Removing one or two plants before they go to seed is much easier than removing hundreds of plants later.)
  • Clean shoes, plant cuffs, and equipment thoroughly after walking or working in an infested area.

Suggested Control
Hand removal is best achieved before the plant has gone to seed.  When soil is moist, grasp low and firmly on the plant.  Tug gently until the main root loosens and the ENTIRE plant pulls out.
Pulled plants should be bagged and placed in regular trash. DO NOT COMPOST!

 Spongy Moth Treatment

In 2023 Cascade Township went through a few changes which led to an opportunity to evaluate existing programs, including spongy moth (formerly gypsy moth) management. Annually, since 2008, Cascade Township has contracted a company to survey for spongy moth egg masses and treat the caterpillars with insecticide. Although this was once a common practice amongst communities, most communities stopped regular treatments once natural population controls were released in the 1990s. These biocontrols, a virus and fungus, work together to effectively control this pest species. However, there is still a population cycle with years of high numbers of caterpillars and years where the caterpillars are nearly undetectable. In 2022, spongy moth populations peaked for most of the lower peninsula. As a result, MSU and Michigan DNR forecasted, and since observed, a significant decline in spongy moth populations.
These are the factors Cascade Township is considering when deciding to pursue future spongy moth management:

  1. Spongy moths, especially their waste, are a nuisance that creates unpleasant outdoor experiences, especially during times of peak populations.
  2. Most of the State does not manage for spongy moths, with a few exceptions during peak times.
  3. Most trees can survive severe defoliation over several years. Therefore, unless there are other stressors (drought, diseases, poor growing conditions) spongy moths are not a significant threat to forest health. In fact, one article the State expert states, “remember, there is no good reason to spray woodlots or forested areas. Healthy trees and forests can withstand periodic infestations.”.
  4. Although the treatment Cascade Township has used in the past, Bt, is safe for humans and pets, it does affect other caterpillars. This is important because caterpillars are an important food source for birds as they raise their young, which coincides with spongy moth treatments. Oak trees, a favorite of spongy moths, feed more species of caterpillars than any other tree species.
  5. Cascade staff are monitoring spongy moths within the Township to determine the extent of the problem. It appears that the caterpillars are not widespread.

Therefore, Cascade Township is weighing the costs vs. benefits of treatment. As populations decline, is it necessary to treat annually? Should treatments be reserved to peak years? Or should Cascade Township follow the lead of other communities and let spongy moth populations ebb and flow naturally?
For more information please visit:

Christmas Tree Recycling


Dumpsters are made available for the public behind Fire Station #2 (Buttrick and 30th Street) to deposit your Christmas trees following Christmas each year.
Available December 26, 2024 through January 10, 2025. 

Holiday Light Recycling


Have broken or outdated holiday lights, cords, cables or chargers? Don't toss them, recycle them! Bring your old holiday lights to the Cascade Library to be responsibly recycled with Comprenew. Available November 2024 through December 31, 2024.


Toys for Tots Program


Cascade Charter Township and Cascade Township Fire Department are accepting new, unwrapped toys for the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation November 18 through December 13 at the Township Office, located at 5920 Tahoe Drive.