More Information
Find more information on permits, links to State of Michigan building codes, neighboring municipalities or how-to resources here.
Do I need a Permit?
When is a building permit required?
The Michigan Building Code requires a permit be acquired by an owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish or change the occupancy of a building or structure. Section 105.2 lists several exemptions to this requirement.
What is required to be submitted with a building permit application?
For a list of relevant documents required, please follow the link to
Building Permit Application Requirements Form.
I want to install an outdoor wood-burning Furnances. What do I need to do?
Applications for OUTDOOR WOOD BURNING FURNACES (mechanical permit) must obtain zoning approval from the local community prior to installation.
Is a building permit required for roofing or siding?
Yes. You will need to fill out a roofing/siding worksheet and a Building Permit application. Both are found on our website.
Do I need to upgrade the smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in my home?
The Michigan Residential Code requires that smoke detectors be installed and located as required in new construction when a building permit is issued for interior work. Battery or wireless units are acceptable in existing areas. Carbon monoxide detectors are required in the area of all bedrooms.
What building inspections are required?
This depends on the particular job. For new homes, we perform the following inspections: pre-pour footing, pre-pour wall, pre-backfill, rough, insulation and final. Please check with the office if you have any questions (616) 949-3765.
What is required for the Michigan Energy Code?
You must show compliance prior to a permit being issued. Please review the energy compliance form for further clarification.
What is required for a Certificate of Occupancy?
All trade and building permits must be final approved. Also, compliance with the energy code and health department approval of your well and septic (if applicable) must be documented.
For residents in East Grand Rapids, final approval of the drainage plan and other zoning requirements must be met. (Please contact the City of East Grand Rapids prior to requesting your C.O.)
How-To Resources
Below you'll find links to guides covering common construction methods and some frequently asked questions:
Window Flashing
Wood Deck Construction Guide
Building Permit Process
Common Residential Code Violations
Home Builders Association of Greater Grand Rapids
Ashrae Website
Current Adopted Codes: State of Michigan
Bureau of Construction Codes
International Code Council (ICC) Website
City of East Grand Rapids
Ada Township
Grand Rapids Township
Lowell Charter Township
Plainfield Charter Township
Vergennes Township