Public Nearing Notice - Progressive AE

| Posted in: Public Notices
The Cascade Charter Township Board will hold a public hearing at a regular meeting to consider the following request.
APPLICANT:                                     Progressive AE
CASE NO.                                         #22-3739
REQUEST:                                        The applicant is requesting approval to amend the existing P.U.D. ordinance to accommodate an addition to an office building.
PROPERTY LOCATION:                 5303 28th Street Ct
PUBLIC HEARING DATE:              Wednesday, June 28, 2023
TIME:                                                7:00 pm
LOCATION:                                      Cascade Library – Wisner Center
                                                                  2870 Jacksmith Ave, SE
                                                                Grand Rapids, MI   49546
All information relative to this request may be reviewed in the office of the Planner (616-949-0224) located at 5920 Tahoe Dr, SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49546 during regular business hours. Written comments concerning the request may be submitted to the Township Planning Director, Brian Hilbrands, 5920 Tahoe Dr, SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 before the start of the meeting. The meeting packet will be available on the Township website a few days prior to the meeting -
                                                          Cascade Charter Township
                                                                   5920 Tahoe Dr SE
                                                              Grand Rapids, MI 49546
                                                                   Township Board
Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services who are planning to attend the hearing should notify Township Clerk Susan Slater at within a reasonable time in advance of the date of the hearing.
If you have questions regarding this request, you may contact the Planning Department at 616-949-0224, or
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