2022 Local Road Resurfacing

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Notice to Cascade Township Property Owners Regarding Local Street Resurfacing


The Kent County Road Commission, in collaboration with Cascade Township, is contracting with Superior Asphalt to complete a full-width repaving of select local streets. If you are receiving this letter, your street has been selected for resurfacing.  The project is to be completed within 2022 contract limits, between July 1 and October 1, weather permitting.

About the Project: The resurfacing project will include the repaving of streets with hot mix asphalt the entire road surface of the identified streets.

Property Access: Access to residences will be maintained during the project. However, gravel ramps to driveways may be removed for brief periods during paving operations. These restricted periods will be kept to a minimum.
  • If you require access in or out of your driveway during paving operations, please consult with an on-site contractor or inspector who can assist with access.
Sprinklers, Invisible Dog Fences, Homeowner-Placed Utilities: Underground sprinkling systems, invisible dog fencing or other private homeowner-placed underground utilities are not permitted in the public right-of-way (the area that directly abuts the road and generally extends about 15 feet past the pavement on either side of the road). KCRC understands that these underground assets sometimes may be placed within the right-of-way, regardless.
  • If you have a sprinkler system, invisible fence or other private underground lines within 3 feet of the road, it is your responsibility to flag or stake the area before the paving work begins.
  • When possible, every attempt will be made to not harm the marked assets.
  • Ultimately, any damage to homeowner-placed underground lines or utilities will be the responsibility of the individual who owns the system.
  • Homeowners are asked to turn off sprinkler zones that border the road for the project’s duration.
Schedule: KCRC offers its contractors flexibility in scheduling to achieve the best contract price possible. This stretches tax dollars and allows for more miles of road improvements.
  • Work may be conducted anytime between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Occasional Sunday work may be required to complete the project within the contracted time frame.
  • KCRC will make every effort to post yard signs before the start of the project that read: “Please Do Not Park on Roads.” Once these signs are posted, the project will begin within approximately 48 hours.
  • Factors such as weather, equipment issues or simultaneous projects may impact the timing of work, so the “exact” day-to-day schedule cannot be provided.
Restoration: Upon completion of the project, grass in the right-of-way will be restored by KCRC within two to four weeks. Topsoil and grass seed will be placed in disturbed areas. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to water and maintain the area to assist with regrowth.

General information about the project is available at kentcountyroads.net and cascadetwp.com. Questions may be directed to KCRC’s Maintenance Division at 616.242.6950.

2022 Resurfacing: Current List of Roads
Schedule is to be determined and work is to be completed within contract limits: June 1 to Oct. 31.
Alaska Avenue: 60th Street to Golden Oak Drive
Golden Oak Trail: Alaska Avenue to Tannon Trail
Little Harbor Drive: 48th Street to End
Sandy Hollow Drive: Buttrick Avenue to End
Sequoia Drive: 48th Street to End
Tannon Court: End to End
Tannon Trail: Alaska Avenue to Tannon Court
Woodlark Drive: Sandy Hollow Drive to End
Briarcliff Drive: Thornapple River Drive to End

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