Friendship Park at KDL Cascade Branch
Did you know the KDL – Cascade Township Branch and the Township have partnered to provide library and recreational services in the current location for more than 25 years?
Though the library grounds were occassionally used for programming and Township events, the outdoor space presented many challenges. Near the library building, the grass is frequently wet from rain and watering, resulting in water pools and puddles. The broader grassy space frequently dries out and provides the perfect habitat for ant colonies, making it less than ideal for sitting.
For years Friends of the Cascade Library has collected money from their regular book sales, Chapter Two Bookstore, and eBay shop to fund an outdoor gathering space. The group paid for an initial outdoor space master plan and, following bids from several companies, selected Native Edge to design a space where:
- People could gather safely, surrounded by nature.
- Larger events could be held.
- Special events such as concerts could be hosted.
- People, particularly children, could learn and explore.
- Community members could picnic.
- Environmental stewardship would be considered.
The master plan is divided into three main phases of work:
- Phase One includes the area nearest the library and calls for accessible sidewalks for easy traveling to a story time meeting space and a picnic area, featuring native plants and water gardens. It also includes exploratory pathways into the existing wooded area.
- Phase Two expands the sidewalk beyond the woods and adds more green space for gathering or lawn games and a pavilion.
- Phase Three extends the sidewalk entirely around the building and creates additional native plant areas and smaller tabled spaces for eating, studying and socializing.
All phases of construction are now complete.
For further questions related to Friendship Park, call Parks & Facilities Director Zwick at (616) 949-1500 or email her at
Friendship Park Site Plan (as of 10/30/23)
Phase I-IV Cost Estimates (as of 4/18/23)
Pavilion Plan
Pavilion Plan Cost Estimate
Pavilion native garden roof as of September 2024:
Update 9/21/24: Phase I and II have successfully been completed and we are now in Phase III. Patches of grass have been removed around the grounds to make room for native garden beds, planted by Native Edge. Below is the current state of the park as of September 2024 as well as a rendering of what the Cascade Library sign may look like after the native garden grows in.