Welcome to Cascade Charter Township!
This is the Township’s official website where we provide updated information on township projects, board and committee meeting schedules, special events, and community programs. Reach out to Township elected officials or Staff for assistance in solving community problems and initiating new ideas; their email addresses and phone numbers are listed by department. Communication is key, so check our website often for the latest in all things Cascade. Want to become even more involved? Follow
Cascade Charter Township on Facebook or join our
monthly e-newsletter. We hope you take this chance to become better acquainted with your community and local government.
If you are planning a visit to Cascade, we hope you catch a glimpse of the idyllic charm that lets our community stand out among Michigan townships. Whether you’re looking for an event to attend or a new community to call home, Cascade Township is a wonderful place to work, play, live, and explore. Enjoy!
Grace Lesperance
Township Supervisor