The Cascade Township Downtown Development Authority (DDA) has determined that a portion
of their revenue should be used to enhance and support building and site improvements for
Grants are intended to provide financial incentives for high-quality building and site conditions that go above and beyond regular maintenance and upkeep.
The primary goals for eligible improvement projects within the DDA District are to enhance pedestrian safety through appropriate roadway and traffic modifications that will enhance the shopping experience; support beautification that will enhance the streetscape and create character, identity and attract shoppers and businesses alike; support the growth of existing businesses while new businesses, offices, education, or health care industries will locate in the DDA District.
Maximum Grant Amounts
The DDA reserves the right, at their discretion, to increase or decrease the amount of funds allocated to an applicant:
- Front Façade Improvements – building and utilities (e.g., redevelopment, second story addition, restoration, etc.): $100,000
- Other Site Improvements (e.g., landscaping, signage, sidewalks, lighting, patios, etc.): $50,000
- Other General Improvements (e.g., awnings, decorative murals, public art, benches, etc.): $25,000